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Shrii Enterprises Vertical Sump Pumps are specially designed for long life and trouble free performance. The Special design for Molten Sulfur incorporates bearing intermediate bearings made of special Teflon compound, and lubrication by Molten Sulfur injected through a line tapped from discharge pipe. Line is adequately insulated/ jacketed to ensure lubricating sulfur in molten state.


1. Shrii Enterprises Pumps are specially designed steam jacketed Vertical pumps , with jackets so arranged that neither supercooling nor overheating takes place, and ensuring jacket heating at very close to steam saturation temperature.

2. In this context it is noteworthy that the steam supply to the jacket heating requires proper pressure control and user is strongly advised to install a PRV in the steam line, and pressure must be maintained within a range of 2.5 ~ 4.5 Barg.

3. Shrii Enterprises Pumps with speeds of 960, 1450& 2950 RPM are available depending upon the service conditions.

4. Shrii Enterprises Pumps are designed with adequate shaft sizing to ensure that the deflections and critical speeds are well within acceptable range and no resonance is experienced during operation.

5. Special arrangement is incorporated to provide molten liquid sulfur for lubrication of the intermediate line bearings, with protection from blockage during outage